This arrives the morning of Election Day in the USA. It has been a depressing experience watching an unending stream of misstatements, pandering, factual inaccuracies, billionaires hoping to buy the election, officials working to disenfranchise voters, hate filled verbiage, and outright lies…often continuing to be repeated even after the perpetrator is presented with the true facts. Ideology and dogma trumping reality again and again.

And a noticeable lack of actual ideas coupled with an inability to do basic budget math. But lots and lots and lots of negativity and attacks rather than positivity and uplifting messages.

All in all, it shows us at our worst and is hardly an example of the American Exceptionalism I keep hearing repeated all over the place. No wonder we are losing our standing in the world.

In some places the voting process itself has already shown itself to be horribly flawed and will certainly lead to fights making that recent Florida debacle seem like a minor event.

It’s quite a learning experience for those looking for insights in how to be an effective leader. Mostly do the opposite of what you saw.

In the middle of this I happened upon this astute observation which unfortunately is unattributed. I wish I could claim it for my own but after that opening diatribe against the moral and ethical lapses of of the two trying to become our leader and their associated supporters, the least I can do is show some absolute honesty about this.

“You can do the best analyzing, have the best insights and the greatest ideas, but all is for naught if you can’t communicate well and inspire actions towards tangible results.”

What is missing in the various campaigns going on is the last half of the thought. And the first half.

No insights or great ideas and certainly no best analyzing. A terrifying lack of ability to communicate and inspire so probably no tangible results will ensue.

Unfortunately someone will win each race and we will be led by those lacking in all the statesman abilities except for having the title. The title gives position but not skill and ability. Just like business.

Leadership comes from inside the person. From a willingness to listen, to think, to watch and consider. And leadership only flowers with openness and honesty and an ability to communicate so effectively that you inspire those who hear to see the picture and and understand the opportunity. And, of course, to follow and act to reach the goals and bring the vision about.

Most of all, leadership is never negative, and divisive but is positive, uplifting, and unifying…leading to greater good for all rather than good for some at the expense of the rest.



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  1. One of the hallmarks of American Exceptionalism has always been the ability to sacrifice and to make hard choices when they need to be made. That has gone out the window over the past 30+ years as Exceptionalism has morphed into Entitlement. This is difficult toothpaste to put back in the tube because the traffic on the Street of Expectations tends to be one-way.

    As to the now now-so-recent Florida electoral debacle, it is best described here (a picture is worth at least 1000 words):

  2. “Most of all, leadership is never negative, and divisive but is positive, uplifting, and unifying” That seems obvious, just as being constructive is better than being destructive; yet, the divisive and the negative prevail.

    To quote from Star Wars:
    Luke: Is the dark side stronger?
    Yoda: No, no, no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.

    There are a lot of people out there being seduced – and not in a good way.

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