
Last missive I shared my thoughts from Wharton Global Consulting Practicum Devils Advocate and how it led to my thinking about the power of an Expert Think Tank. Expert Think Tank: A way to break free from your mental shackles.

Since sharing my thoughts on the power of being bombarded with lots of ideas, I’ve been thinking about what it is that keeps more leaders from availing themselves of outside…or inside.. advice. This led to wondering why other people, particularly those within or closely associated with the organization, don’t share their ideas.

It got me thinking about fear.

On the leader’s side: Fear of hearing what you don’t want to hear. Fear of being shown wrong. Fear that you really aren’t as smart as you think you are. Fear that others have better ideas. Fear that maybe you really shouldn’t be leading the organization or group.

On everyone else’s side: Fear of sharing ideas at variance with what the boss believes. Fear of challenging what the boss wants to do. Fear that “tell me what you think” really means “tell me what I want to hear”. Fear that speaking up will lead to being shown the exit.

Lots of good ideas trapped in the dark due to fear.

You’re probably now expecting some sage advice for overcoming fear. Sorry to disappoint you. No matter how much I think about this I keep coming back to failure of leadership. Unwillingness to listen and unwillingness to speak due to the nature of the leader. A nature closed to new ideas, closed to diverse and conflicting opinions, closed to the thought that the problem is them.

A closed mind is a terrible thing to have. Perhaps the only solution is a good bolt cutter.


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